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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

All content by Anne Marie Yurik

Letter from the Editors-in-Chief

Dear Readers, This year, we served as the Editors-in-Chief of the Oracle. This came with many accomplishments and challenges, including typical leadership bumps in the road as well as extra pressure,...

Abandoning beauty standards exposes real beauty

Abandoning beauty standards exposes real beauty

Anne Marie Yurik, senior editor
May 26, 2017

The people who really helped me grow deserve an ode to them after my four-year trek through high school. Here is to all the teachers who made me who I am today. Way back in freshman year when I hated...

Graphic by Rachel Nwia

District 225 analyzes outcomes of recent Powerschool study

District 225 is analyzing data and feedback following a study which restricted Powerschool access for students and parents during school hours. The experiment was conducted from April 3-28 and included...

The Search for Everything explores many genres

Anne Marie Yurik, co-editor-in-chief
April 21, 2017

Some of the best things come in groups: socks, cookies and John Mayer’s new album, The Search for Everything. In a world when media binging is the norm, the release of the album in three waves forced...

Glenbrooks Begin Study On Grades

Anne Marie Yurik and Sasha Vassilyeva
March 21, 2017

District 225 decided to run a study that restricts student and parent access to PowerSchool during school hours (approximately 7:30-3:30). The study was initially proposed by Ryan Bretag, director...

Middy Mags is worth a try

Anne Marie Yurik, co-editor-in-chief
February 10, 2017

Although some people find frisbees of cheese, sauce, crust and optional toppings (aka pizza) the epitome of party food, I cannot say that I love it–I find pizza mediocre at best. I am not a big pizza...

EXPANDING   UNDERSTANDING:  Standing at the front of his classroom, AP Government teacher David Kane lectures his class on the dayís lesson. The Social Studies Department decided not to extend the course to two full semesters for the next year.

Ap Government postpones full year course

Anne Marie Yurik and Sasha Vassilyeva
February 10, 2017

After much discussion, the Social Studies Department decided to table the decision to make Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. Government and Politics a full-year course. According to Jeannie Logan, Social...

Election emotions: Rallying amongst a crowd of his supporters (right), president-elect Trump speaks at a pro-Trump event in Phoenix, Arizona. Trump was elected President early in the morning of Nov. 9, 2016.

Student’s reflect on media’s impact on election

Anne Marie Yurik and Eliza Schloss
December 16, 2016

On the morning of Nov. 9, South students, some ecstatic from Donald Trump’s victory the previous night and others disheartened by the loss of their candidate of choice, stood for the routine morning...

GRINS AND GIFTS: Appreciating her new present, science teacher Linda Kocian poses with a quilt given to her by fellow colleague Suzanne Webb as a “get well” gift. Kocian received lots of support from South’s staff when she was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Friedmann

South says ‘thanks’: Looking back on the life and memory of Linda Kocian

Anne Marie Yurik, Katie Cavender, and Nick Moran
September 30, 2016

It is rare for someone to willingly sacrifice a piece of his or her identity for their friend’s well-being. However, science teacher Linda Kocian, who passed away just over a month ago, was worth every...

RETIREMENT READY: Joining together to reminisce about their careers, South retiring faculty prepares to end the school year for one last time. These staff members have devoted countless years to helping students learn and grow. Featured from left to right: (top) Jerry Zabin, John Lewis, Todd Hansen, Peter Masciopinto, Terry Jozwik, Marty Sirvatka, (bottom) Janice Osowski, Ellen Eichler, Mary Vicars, Kay Sopocy, Dawn Fendt. Not featured: Fred Kocian, Carol May.

Retirement is now in session: South faculty say goodbye to GBS with lasting memories, relationships, legacies

Alexandra Sharp, Eliza Schloss, Brigid Murphy, Hannah Buchband, Anne Marie Yurik, Yoon Kim, Youjin Shon, Savera Zulfiqar, Kathy Yoo, Abby Grant, Aakash Bhojwani & John Park, and Kyle O’Shaughnessy & Maggie Eschenbach
May 24, 2016

Table of Contents: Terry Jozwik Todd Hansen Mary Vicars Fred Kocian Jerry Zabin Dawn Fendt Ellen Eichler John Lewis Pete Masciopinto Janice Osowski Marty Sirvatka Kay...

CAKE, PLEASE: Celebrating Aubree’s first birthday in May of 2013, Kelly Schaeffer, mother and former South student, and her daughter eat cake with friends and family in a local Kentucky park. Since Aubree was born, Schaeffer has continued on to work towards a college degree but urges teens to abstain from sex because of the challenges derived from juggling high school and a child.

Teenage pregnancy faces judgment, proves challenging

Anne Marie Yurik, co-features editor
March 11, 2016

One week. It was one week ago that a period was late. To everyone else, this week had typical trials and tribulations, everyone except the girl who now has a potential pregnancy on her hands. Overwhelmed...

Illustration by Grace O'Malley

Explicit material distorts reality, influences minors

John Schurer and Anne Marie Yurik
December 18, 2015

Eyes fixed on the glowing LEDs of a computer screen, pictures, posts and comments blur away as the mouse scrolls farther into updated statuses. Just as one’s eyes glaze over from the familiarity of it...

Body image requires self-reflection, conscious recognition

Body image requires self-reflection, conscious recognition

Anne Marie Yurik, co-features editor
December 18, 2015

I’ve been told I’m a generally positive person. Yet recently my friend told me that I’m positive about virtually everything except myself. I decided to put her to the test by counting how many times...

Q&A with Niam

Q&A with Niam

Anne Marie Yurik, co-features editor
October 2, 2015

Twelve-year-old Niam Abeysiriwardena started his senior year at South in August, having recently moved from his home in Huntsville, AL to Glenview after his mom got a job nearby. Abeysiriwardena, who is...

Eastern and Western Religions classes inspire new perspectives

Eastern and Western Religions classes inspire new perspectives

Anne Marie Yurik, asst. features editor
March 13, 2015

There are a lot of religions throughout the world, with differing beliefs, customs and traditions. Students at South, through the classes Eastern and Western Religions, have been taught these religions...

German Club restarts this year with unique cultural aspects

German Club restarts this year with unique cultural aspects

Anne Marie Yurik, asst. features editor
October 3, 2014

Red, gold, and black can only mean one thing: Deutsch! South’s German Club is officially restarting and beginning the year with some interesting events, according to Lauren Fraser, German Club sponsor. “I’m...

Peterson visits exotic locales, has life changing experiences

Peterson visits exotic locales, has life changing experiences

Anne Marie Yurik, staff writer
February 27, 2014

From the  Galapagos Islands to Africa, sophomore Matthew Peterson has visited a variety of exotic locations. According to Peterson, he has seen countries in the midst of disaster and some of the most...

South students, staff discuss exotic vacations

Anne Marie Yurik, staff writer
February 4, 2014

From Tahiti to Pakistan, South students and teachers alike have gone to many unusual places across the globe. John Skorupa, Drivers-Ed and health teacher, shares his many vacations. “I have been...

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