Jordan Peele’s Us follows a mother Adelaide, played by Lupita Nyong’o, as she spends time at her childhood beach house with her family, all the while reliving a childhood trauma— an encounter with...
“Maggie Rogers is a witchy feminist rockstar” tweets the iconic singer, whose album Heard it in a Past Life was released on January 18. If anything can prove this statement, it’s Rogers’s new album...
When my mother offered to buy Diego ice cream, he replied, “Solo quiero una hamburguesa para llevar.” It was 6-year-old Diego’s first time on a school field trip to Lake Atitlán, and after traveling...
Never before have I experienced such an overwhelmingly suffocating silence the likes of which followed Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman. The harsh truths revealed in this earth-shattering film left the theater...
Every Christmas season, the students at Philip Rogers Elementary School in Chicago always have a smile on their faces, says Amanda Sideris, Hellenic Club president. Thanks to Cindy Pouplikollas, Hellenic...
Anything that someone encounters in their lifetime can be connected to some aspect of their health, according to Kelley Oziminski, health and physical education teacher. The trick to a healthy lifestyle,...
Youth Services of Northbrook and Glenview recently merged with Angles—an organization for sexual health, identity and education—to create Youth Service’s Pride Youth program. In years past, Youth...
Being able to speak more than one language is an impressive feat, but four? Kayt Ribordy, a native English-speaking senior, is the president of French Club, co-president of Spanish Honors Society and a...