South’s library serves as both a bustling center of collaboration, and a serene space for concentration, managed by a team of dedicated librarians and students. The student librarian lab aids are manage...
Through the Cards for Kids Act Expansion, South students are eligible for a free public library card, Christi Shaner, South Head Librarian, said.
Parents are now able to request a library card on the...
After writing The New York Times Bestselling book, One of Us is Lying, Karen M. McManus has created yet another suspenseful murder mystery novel titled You’ll be the Death of Me. The novel follows the...
There is an unappreciated magic that comes with going to a bookstore. Yet, with the proliferation of easily accessible electronic books, I think we often forget the special experience a bookstore...
After four years of late night readings, I’ve done the hard work for you. Here’s the breakdown of which books at GBS are worth the struggle, and which you can just SparkNote. (I’m kidding. You should...
With 15 minutes before the start of class, a student scrambles to open his Chromebook and immediately jumps onto his Sparknotes bookmark. As the clock continues to tick, his eyes skim faster and faster...
The average classic novel, such as Wuthering Heights or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, has around 100,000 words. That means 100,000 words to analyze, interpret and pick apart in our English classes...