Some are familiar with the high-stakes musical showdowns of game shows like The Voice or American Idol. But instead of a giant soundstage, national television, and Kelly Clarkson, South’s musicians went...
Cheers encourage the band members as they step onto the stage. The chatter dies into silence and suddenly, it is time. The long-awaited moment to finally showcase the endless hours of rehearsal and dedication...
As the bright spotlights radiated warmth onto their faces, sophomores Henry Najem, Terry Treger and Johnny Rolfes, members of the band Candy for Breakfast, took the stage to perform in the 2020 Variety...
Battle of the Bands, hosted by Interact Club on Dec. 4, raised over $700 for Saint Philip’s meal kitchens. The annual event provided an opportunity for South students to rock out to music performed by...
A drummer strikes the last cymbal while a guitarist plays the finishing chord of a song. Their band, Zeitgeist, walks off the lit-up stage as the winners of this year’s Battle of the Bands, an annual...