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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

COOL KEYBOARD CLICKING: Sitting at the piano, Collaborative Accompanist Gregory Shifrin plays a warm-up for Glee Club as they sing along. Playing the simple accompaniment for the vocal warm-ups allows the choir to prepare their voices for more complex pieces later on in the rehearsal.

Mr. G: Collaborative Accompanist, pianist prodigy

Shayna Fitzershtein, Asst. Editor
December 20, 2024

Outside the musical world of Room 1404, the melodic wonders of choir stay hidden from the majority of students. Inside the room, the sound of harmonizing voices fills the space, and one single piano plays,...

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