Crafting brings comfort, community

Sofia Cole and Anna Marquardt

From warm wooly sweaters to gemstone adorned crowns, many students channel their creativity into creating gifts and crafts, Kimiko Garbe, Japanese Teacher and Knitting Club Sponsor, said.

Garbe has involved herself in a plethora of arts and crafts throughout her life. From enjoying painting in high school to now exploring knitting, Garbe feels as though each of her projects reflect a moment in her life.

“[With] my [projects], I can remember when and where I was [when] making them,” Garbe said. “[I look] at them and remember who I was as a person at the time.”

Each of Garbe’s knitting creations serve as a pillar of love for a family member, she elaborated, as she often knits items like sweaters and scarves to gift to loved ones. 

“[Knitting] shows that I care about different people because I make things for family and close friends,” Garbe said. “I like to make [the gifts] meaningful in some way.” 

Meeting every Monday after school in the Student Services Office, Knitting Club provides students with a positive environment to build connections while knitting and crocheting together, Garbe described.

“[Students enjoy] making something [while] also having a conversation at the same time and that’s the benefit of it being a club,” Garbe said.

Sharing the sentiment, Laura Croak, Journaling and Calligraphy Club Sponsor, commends South’s opportunities for students to get involved in arts and crafts through clubs. Becoming involved in Journaling and Calligraphy Club allowed Croak to explore her fascination with handwriting and learn the craft alongside several talented students. 

“I am honestly not the best at calligraphy, so I like to sponsor [the club] because I learn from students and can see their skills,” Croak said. “[The club] is an additional way to allow students to experience something new or continue diving into a hobby they are interested in.”

Immersing themself in arts and crafts outside of school, senior Emily Northrip has been doing cross stitch, embroidery, and sewing since their freshman year. Northrip regards cross stitching as a way to relax and bring their imagination to life, having done so with a set of fairy crowns used in a Stitched club photoshoot. 

“I really wanted to have mossy flower crowns [with] gemstones for my photoshoot,” Northrip said. “I couldn’t find what I wanted, so I just made it myself.”

Crocheting also serves as a peaceful way to unwind for sophomore Michaela Kissner. She noted how easy it is to crochet while watching TV or listening to music, and regards it as an enjoyable pastime. 

“Crochet can be very relaxing, especially with the repetitive motion,” Kissner said.