Identity is everything, especially in high school. This year, The Glenbrook Musical will perform a story embracing identity while embracing comedic elements, Mandi Corrao, Assistant Director and Drama...
Inclusivity, collaboration, and art all describe the Everyone Theatre Project, which debuted at South on March 17. Through an entirely student-led performance, Everyone Theatre Project brought new opportunities...
A blue curtain slowly rises, revealing the seemingly endless darkness of the stage. Suddenly, light illuminates the stage, exposing South students from every corner of the school. From dancing to magic...
Animated voices echo through the halls of Interlochen Center for the Arts. These passionate students are hard at work honing their crafts in all forms of art. Sophomore Gavin Leahy, an aspiring...
Four years of hard work, all for what? Some seniors end the year with goals of conference or one last nap during class. Others round out their experience in the drama department by directing a short, one-act...
For many South students, theatre is their passion, and some venture into opportunities beyond school activities. Senior Chuck Quinn IV acts professionally outside of school and has been doing so since...