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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

Illustration by Mia Carr

Empathy: To those facing difficulties during the holidays, compassion is essential

Emily Blumberg and Skylar Kreske
December 17, 2021

“Happy Holidays!” A celebratory feeling fills the atmosphere as the festive greeting rings throughout the hallways and classrooms. The entrances begin flooding with students, anxiously waiting to begin...

Thanksgiving Reflections

Madeline Hussey, asst. features editor
November 12, 2021

A stuffed turkey fresh out of the oven. Steaming green beans garnished in garlic. Creamy mashed potatoes overflowing with gravy. Golden bread rolls rest besides heaping platters of stuffing. For most people,...

Stressful times emphasize need for self care

Nicole Surcel, Co-opinions editor
April 23, 2021

Nowadays, we’re so quick to get lost in what seems like an endless pile of tasks. Between schoolwork, extracurriculars and making the effort to spend time with friends and family, we end up with little...

Talks About Future Careers Evokes Stress

Mackenzie Bill, columnist
March 16, 2020

I remember when I was in first grade and my class had to draw pictures of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Some kids drew astronauts because they wanted to reach for the stars, some drew superheroes...

Illustration by Faith Roche

Mid-high school crisis averted—stress motivates

Violet Guzman-Robles, co-a&e editor
February 14, 2020

The memory of the first semester of my junior year is one I’d very much like to forever destroy in my head. The intensity of my classes, combined with a dense work schedule and a resurgence in anxiety,...

Illustration by Aubrey Palaganas

Pre-finals stress suggests need for finalized grades

February 14, 2020

During finals week a junior student sits down at their desk, opens their chromebook, and clicks on a web browser, then types With three borderline A’s, they realize they have a long...

Oracle After Hours: Stressed out for finals? Here are some things that might help.

Aria Jain, columnist
January 10, 2020

With finals looming, stress levels for South students are at an all-time high with the pressure of studying for every class and balancing their busy schedules. However, many South students overlook the...

Illustration by Patsy Carolan

Students reflect on stress caused by social media

Shannon Mathew, staff writer
October 4, 2019

What would life be like without social media? Happier, according to a 2017 article called “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” published in The Atlantic. Teens who spend more time looking at...

Overwhelm of student stress calls for relief

Overwhelm of student stress calls for relief

Shannon Mathew, staff reporter
January 19, 2018

Stress. It is the six-letter word that creates the idea that “I can’t”, according to South social worker David Hartman. It is a word that connotes to a lot of sacrifice whether it be sleep, social...

Illustration by Chaeyon Park

Interests spark students’ love of learning

Cassidy Foronda, co-editor in chief
December 22, 2017

The only thing louder than my childhood dinners was me at my childhood dinners. Cramped around a too-small dining table, my large family would sit and eat. Conversations splintered off into several smaller...

Illustration by: Sophia Lau

Test anxiety proves prominent at South

Ellie Ruos, asst. features editor
December 22, 2017

Junior Lily Dolan sits down to take her next round of ACT tests, hoping to score a few points higher than last time in order to receive a scholarship from her dream college that she knows her family wouldn’t...

Illustration by Raya Shoilekova

Homework load causes stress and sleep deprivation

Caroline O'Shaughnessy, asst. features editor
October 6, 2017

Senior Zack Lehman looks up from his homework, his clock flashes two a.m. and he knows he needs to be at school bright and early the next morning, but he still isn’t finished. This seems to be a common...

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