Refugee camps, forced migrations and displaced persons have transformed the international conversation, creating a heated discussion on the next step towards ending the Syrian refugee crisis. According...
Behind every Elle Woods is more than a blonde Malibu Barbie. Behind every Glenbrook Musical, more than 173 high school students strive for excellence. Glenbrook South and North students performed Legally...
Usually light shows, acting, and gymnastics routines don’t have much in common. But these are some of senior Evan Dallas’s prominent interests. Dallas practices and performs a variety of talents ranging...
Feet tapping and finger snapping kept the beat as jazz music played through the hallways of South. From sweet blues to swanky swing music, middle and high school students from over 70 different jazz bands...
The actors peer into their script books, trying to recite their lines just as their characters would. Each pause holds significant meaning, something they’ve been working hard to perfect. This is a typical...
Senior Atticus Hebson has participated in 15 performances since his freshman year. He is involved in Spur of the Moment, Comedy Sportz, Chamber Singers, and he accompanies students with their Variety Show...