Day in and day out of the GBS golf season, sophomore Charlie Nikitas may be found out on the course, hitting little white balls with focus and grit. From his involvement on the varsity team, to his self-taught golf career, Nikitas has been recognized as a top athlete. His passion for the game has led to success in his high school career, winning conference as an individual and playing in the State tournament as an underclassman.
According to Nikitas, he played in the number one spot for the varsity team for much of the season, despite a rough start at tryouts. He helped the team to a 10-2 record and three tournament wins, such as their first invitational of the year, at Rolling Green Country Club. Several teammates identified Nikitas as a real leader for the team.
“I think without Charlie, [the team] wouldn’t be where [it was] and accomplished some of the things that [it] accomplished,” sophomore teammate Kevin Paek said.
Nikitas individually won the conference tournament at the Glencoe Golf Club, with a score of 70, two under the 72 stroke par. In addition, the GBS men won the conference match as a team, ousting rival New Trier with a cumulative score of 301.
“[Winning conference] was probably the biggest win we’ve had as a team, and we beat New Trier, which was awesome,” Nikitas said.
Nikitas also advanced to the state tournament this year, after shooting a 77 at sectionals to qualify. It was a crucially close round to make the cut, according to Nikitas.
“I was on the 18th hole, and I was six over at that point,” Nikitas said. “I knew that six over would give me a pretty good chance to get to state, and seven over would [make it] tough to get in. I had a 10-foot putt on the last hole to shoot 77, six over, and I ended up making that putt which was decisive in [making the cut].”
According to Coach Jeff Paek, Nikitas is a great player because of his reliability to come through with a good score for the team. His clutch performances throughout the season kept the South boys in the game and moving forward.
“To have that bankable, reliable score, on a consistent basis, is huge for not only the performance of the team, but just the psyche of the team,” Jeff said.
Not only does Nikitas strive for success in play, but also for consideration for everything about the game. Jeff recognizes his admirable approach to the game.
“The right way, in terms of golf, is a respect you show for the game, a respect you show for the opponent, a respect you show for the coaches, and a respect you show for the course,” Jeff said. “And in all of those areas, Charlie exemplifies a class and a dignity that players who get it demonstrate.”
His father, Danny Nikitas, also admires the poise with which Charlie plays the game. According to Danny, Charlie exhibits exceptional sportsmanship, even in the toughest and most defeating of situations.
“I don’t know if you’ll ever find a guy that played with or watched Charlie play that didn’t appreciate the fact that he’s hoping that even the guys he’s playing against do well,” Danny said. “Win or lose, he wants everybody to be happy and successful. Pretty admirable, I think.”