The first Friday I walked into Springman Middle School, the girl in my Language Arts class asked, “Are you going to the game?”
“What game?” I replied. She stared at me for a second and then continued to give me a confused look.
“Are you kidding? The football game!”
Being relatively new to Glenview, I still had to think about it; did everyone go to South games? Even middle school kids? Do they go to every sports
After entering high school, I quickly learned that for the most part, people only went to football games. Every Friday night, kids who knew barely a
sliver abouy football would stand with their backs to the field, only cheering when everyone else did.
One of my favorite things about South is the school spirit. It’s an excellent community to be a part of, and you can’t find that in many schools.
Keep the huge crowds at football games, but there are 29 other sports that also deserve some support.
Where is just a fraction of that crowd at other sporting events? Why aren’t a group of friends heading to a water polo match? It’s just as much an
outing as going to the football game.
No one breathes a word about other sports in the halls, unless there’s something you can’t ignore.
If I weren’t a sports editor, I would have absolutely no idea what type of season field hockey had, but I would know the score of the last football game.
I won’t say I or the Oracle isn’t guilty of skipping over other sports. Look at the back page of issue one and issue two for the past two years: the back
page is always football, regardless of how well they are doing.
When football wins, it’s back page news. When football loses, it’s back page just the same. When water polo wins, it’ll be somewhere in the middle of
the section or it won’t make the paper at all.
Even though the Oracle’s history has proven differently, we realize that all sports deserve equal support and we’re ready to change.
Keep the fans and the fan buses coming, but order a few more for other sports.