Anonymous Senior Confessions

Anonymous Senior Confessions

“I still don’t know the school song. I just sorta mumble it until we spell victory.”

“My favorite sweatshirt is one I borrowed from the lost and found after I lost mine.”

“Freshman year PE I got pantsed in the Fieldhouse and my boxers came down too.”

“i tossed a wad of pads and tampons at a substitute teacher because he said that I was constantly wasting time in the bathroom doing unimportant things there.”

Saw a familiar face walking down the hall, so, naturally, I SCREAMED their full name at them. …Was not a familiar face.”

“I was yelled at by a police officer on my first day of freshman year for being dropped off at Pioneer Press. He threatened to give my friend and I a Saturday detention. We were shaking in our shoes.”

“I took foods for two semesters just because I didn’t have time for breakfast.”

“the first day of my freshman year I went into the faculty bathroom thinking it was just the normal bathroom and I was so surprised how nice it was and how they had perfume sitting out and stuff. A teacher walked in a couple minutes later and kicked me out and said I wasn’t allowed to be in there.”

“Every time there was a test in Physics freshman year, I’d conveniently have to go lie down in the nurse for the duration of the period. Every time… sorry, Hendy.”

“One time i was trying to direct some freshmen to classrooms on the first day and I was holding the map bc tbh still dont know room numbers but i was holding it the wrong way and thought the new pit was the old pit and directed like 12 freshmen to the complete wrong end of the school :D”

“When my mom calls me out of school she tells attendance I have a toothache and I need to go to the dentist, but since I have over 100 absences they’ve started to question me if I have any teeth left. Is it too late for a new excuse??”

“I just found out what FRQ means… free response question.”