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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

Meet your Instructional Supervisors

Meet your Instructional Supervisors

Molly Tomczyk, Features Editor
February 14, 2025

Danita Fitch, Instructional Supervisor (IS) of World Languages, has been IS for about twenty years, starting in 2005 when her predecessor moved out of state. Fitch had never considered becoming IS, but...

TUTORING TENACITY: TLC Tutor Anish Abeysiriwardena sat in the TLC, delivering a science lesson to students. These lessons are usually in biology, physics, and chemistry but at times change to other subjects.

Mr. A-mazing

Jonnie Devine, asst. editor
November 22, 2024

A swarm of frantic students form in the back corner of the Titan Learning Center (TLC) at the designated science table. At the center of the chaos, TLC tutor Anish Abeysiriwardena calmly moves from student...

A-CUTE CLUB: Freshmen Alina Noman (left), Natalie Choi (right) and Vince Pallikunnel (back) work dilligently on a Thursday afternoon. The freshman team were completing worksheets to sharpen their skills.

Math Team adds value

Madeline Kim, staff writer
November 22, 2024

Five coaches plus four grades plus 40 students equals one Math Team. Meeting weekly on Thursdays in Room 2379 the team welcomes students who truly enjoy math and think about problems in ways others never...

Dojo Mojo: Kaled sports her PUNOK uniform in a promotional shoot. Because of Kaled’s win record, she receives free gear as compensation for wearing their merchandise when competing. Photo courtesy of Jesus Larroche.

Martial artist has the chops

Audrey Reid and Libby Trapp
May 23, 2024

Standing center stage in a foreign country, junior Ella Kaled readies to make her first move. Twelve years of training in martial arts led her to be selected, for the second year in a row, out of several...

Array of Art: Wilson’s VisAbility Exhibition portrayed vibrant colors, splattered across canvases in various designs. The artist’s reception attendees sauntered through the Glenview Public Library taking in the collection.

Abstract art, concrete impact

Molly Tomczyk, co-a&e editor
May 23, 2024

Jazz music rippled through the crowded lobby of the Glenview Public Library on a Thursday evening; colorful paintings adorned the walls, creating a gallery of senior Emmett Kyoshi Wilson’s acrylic-painted...

Academic endeavors: Academy students complete a sheet for English. The class is currently covering Realism and Naturalism.

Academy offers unique learning

Maya Scahill, co-features editor
December 22, 2023

In a uniquely blended curriculum of English, foreign language, and history classes, with a noteworthy group of students from both South and North, the Academy of International studies is an unparalleled...

Tommy the Titan: a behind scenes of South’s prideful mascot

Asma Ghomrawi
December 13, 2023

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, victory victor, Glenbrook High! The infamous fight song brings so much pride to the South, as does Tommy the Titan! As of the end of last year, South introduced a new and improvised mascot....

Outstanding Okilko

Outstanding Okilko

Max Beitzel, asst. features editor
April 21, 2023

In 2021, sophomore Lidiia Okilko was uprooted from her native country, Ukraine, and traveled alone to Glenview, Illinois in search of safety away from the war-ravaged place that she once called home. Okilko...

Investing in your future

Investing in your future

Bailey Baker, staff writer
April 21, 2023

Every other Wednesday morning in Room 1137, South students gather to talk about money and strategies for smart investing at Investments Club, junior member Dylan Monagan said. The world of stocks, investment...

Students explore new paths through Med Tech course

Students explore new paths through Med Tech course

Asma Ghomrawi, staff writer
April 21, 2023

South’s only medical-based elective, Medical Technology, commonly known as Med Tech, is a popular elective for sophomores and upperclassmen. The lab-based class is targeted toward students who have even...

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