There is something magical about the number three.
First of all, it is everywhere! Ever notice how stories have a beginning, middle, and end? Or that – several religions involve an important trinity of gods or prophets? Let’s not even get started on the most obvious of them all: time! Past, present, and future! Birth, life, and death!
However, why is the number three important? The ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, once claimed that the number three was the perfect number: the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding.
If that is true, then surely incorporating the number three into our own lifes can bring positive outcomes.
You can start with three hobbies. Before you begin, structure those hobbies around three essential elements: your body, your mind, and your soul.
My three hobbies are teaching myself piano songs, improving my physical strength with my door-frame pull-up bar, and exploring my neighborhood with my lovely bicycle.
Because I chose to pursue these specific hobbies I began to enjoy teaching myself new things, challenging myself mentally and physically and discovering new opportunities. Not only did I learn new skills, I gained motivation for the activities that matter most in my life, like school, work, and important projects.
They have also given me an outlet for creativity and a reason to stop procrastinating.
Finally, challenging myself mentally and physically has given me increased endurance in my life, and I have more energy than ever.
Although the number three has made a positive impact on my personal life, the number did not actually do all the work. I did. I invested time into myself to become the person I pursue to be. The number three was just a simple method to get started on the work that I am responsible for.
Remember, it is the habits and things we do on our own that build honest character in ourselves. Whether you need a magic number to get started or some motivation in the world, understand that you are capable of incredible things. Put in the work!