South’s winter play, a chilling adaptation of the 1968 film Night of the Living Dead, took center stage in the Drama Dance Room earlier this month with a blend of seasoned and novice theater members,...
Senior Lila Becker looked out at the audience, tears streaming down her face and confetti flying around her, as she took her final bow. It was the closing night of Mean Girls, and Becker’s last time...
Jack Rogula, asst. opinions editor February 17, 2023
Cinema is dying.
It’s been a prevalent topic for both the film community and audiences for years, and it’s a claim that one could very easily be swayed into believing. The “evidence” of contemporary...
Enormous audiences, blinding lights, and remembering your lines. These elements can act as deterrents for many novice actors who may be more prone to stage fright or intimidated by the competitiveness...
Inclusivity, collaboration, and art all describe the Everyone Theatre Project, which debuted at South on March 17. Through an entirely student-led performance, Everyone Theatre Project brought new opportunities...
On stage, students in costumes bow to thunderous applause, large smiles plastered on their faces fueled by an intense rush of adrenaline. Invisible to the audience, students dressed in black stand offstage,...
Every student at South has some sort of talent that makes them stand out, according to senior Jake Biales. He realizes these unique attributes in his peers while having some of his own. Biales has found...