Boehmer takes over as new varsity softball coach

Coaching a player, Dana Boehmer crouches down to help junior Winnie Tomsheck with her catch. This is Boehmer’s first year coaching varsity softball
May 2, 2017
Dana Boehmer, after coaching JV for eight years is now the head varsity softball coach and PE Leaders teacher after Coach Kay Sopocy retired last year.
According to Boehmer, softball has greatly affected her life as her dad played a major role in her life as her coach. She played softball at Wright State, a division one college in Dayton, Ohio, and took her experiences by sharing her knowledge through coaching today. Boehmer has been coaching softball for 14 years with her travel club team, and eight years coaching GBS softball.
“[My dad] and I grew a great relationship because of softball,” Boehmer said. “My first year after college I actually came back and started coaching right away.”
Athletic Director, Steve Rockrohr, took on a major role in hiring Boehmer as the new coach. Rockrohr believes Boehmer stood out among other candidates with her leadership qualities and experience with the program.
“She has been [coaching] here for awhile and she has been in our [softball] program for awhile and been doing a nice job,” Rockrohr said. “I am looking forward to the kind of change of leadership in the softball program.”
According to Boehmer, she is excited to move forward this season while trying to improve the team not only physically, but mentally. Over time, Boehmer is hopeful for the softball team to create a deeper bond with each other.
“My goal for them this season is to improve,” Boehmer said. “I just want to see improvement throughout the entire season, I want the girls to enjoy the season, and I want the girls to be proud of being a Glenbrook South softball player. I think if we can accomplish those things, in my mind, [it is] going to be a very successful season.”
Junior Daisy Taylor is on the GBS varsity softball team this spring, and has been playing the game for nine years. Taylor and Boehmer have created a strong relationship over the years, which has brought Taylor’s love for softball back.
“I [used to hate] softball for two years […], and [Boehmer] brought my love for the game back,” Taylor said. “She’s made me more confident and she’s definitely helped my mentality for the game.”
In addition to coaching softball, Boehmer has been excited about her new changes to the PE Leaders class at Glenbrook South this year. She has kept traditions around like the ski trip and dance competition, but has also tried to add in more of an interactive teaching component to the class, as well as community service.
“One [aspect] that we have changed [is] we meet in the PE classroom everyday, and our first five to ten minutes starts off with some sort of discussion about leadership,” Boehmer said. “Another change we’ve made is [a] make-GBS-a-better-place initiative. The kids have to do 10 random acts of kindness throughout the year, and that’s both [for] the Junior and Senior leaders.”
Boehmer’s expectations for the Junior leaders is to improve over the year. Her goal is to get them ready to lead a class the following school year by themselves with their assigned teacher.
“I want to see the kids be a little more comfortable in front of their peers and presenting,” Boehmer said. “I want the kids to understand taking initiative and being that kid that stays after class to help pick up equipment is something that they should be doing all the time.”
Stephen Stanicek, Instructional Supervisor for PE, believes Boehmer was the right choice as the new PE Leaders teacher. According to Stanicek, he admires Boehmer’s passion for wanting the teaching position.
“She is very passionate about what she wanted to do, how she wanted to do it, and she seemed like she had a plan of moving forward,” Stanicek said. “There’s definitely more of a family atmosphere.”