As early as primary school, students are introduced to the idea of the “gifted” class. These students are deemed smarter, more talented, and more likely to succeed. In elementary school, the “gifted”...
“We need some assistance, there has been an altercation,” blasts from the walk- ie talkie on Dean Damien Braude’s desk. He sprints into the hallway packed body to body, and pushes his way...
As Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman stood in court to testify against Larry Nassar, a former team doctor who pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sexual violence, her hands trembled and her eyes became fixed...
Acceptance for everyone at South is an expectation for all students and faculty. This appreciation of one another is exemplified during Black History Month, when the U.S. celebrates the role Black citizens...
You open up the fridge in the cafeteria and look at all the possibilities Quest has in store for you today: Starbucks, Pure Leaf, Pepsi. . . the options are endless! But one bottle in particular catches...
As your eyes scan over the repetitive rows of your history textbook, you read something that should stop you in your tracks. 10.7 million enslaved people arrived in America between 1526 and 1867, according...
s“Didn’t understand it.”
“Too much to do in one night.”
In an unscientific Oracle-conducted survey of 225 students investigating their...
With 80 clubs and organizations, 30 sports teams, the variety show, the musical and honorary societies, Glenbrook South offers a wealth of opportunities to explore interests and talents. Students have...