Sophomore Sienna Gilles’ family gathers around the dinner table laughing, smiling, and enjoying each other’s presence. As the conversation continues, she awaits her favorite food: the Charoset, a dish...
In the countryside of Mongolia, sophomore Row Seitz sat in a small tent, alone with a Shaman shielding his face with armor. As a drum thumped in the background, Seitz explained that she was instructed...
Every year, my family travels across the pond for Christmas. However, the Christmas of 2017 was unforgiving in the port city of Danzig, Poland.
Miles upon miles of frigid Baltic Sea waters battered...
Islam (pronounced with a soft “s”), is not a religion of terror or violence.
Islam is not a religion of hatred. In fact, “Islam” itself means “peace”.
Islam is often associated with terrorist...
Humanity. To me, humanity is not defined by race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political identification, or ability. Instead it captures love. Whether it be greeting someone in passing, picking...
Every year during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, junior Yasmeen Mohammed Rafee has playful fasting competitions with her sisters. On Eid al-Fitr, the last day of Ramadan, millions of...
In mainstream society, we often approach science and religion through separate ways of thinking. If we attempt to solve the mystery of the creation of our origin through both lenses of religion and science,...
How religious do you consider yourself to be? Maybe you’ve been A1 since day one for a Catholic band, or you have your own playlist of Nasheeds. Maybe you lowkey go to youth group to scout dating prospects,...