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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

DOMINATING DEBATE: Social Studies  teacher Tara Tate returns to her former position as the Debate Director. Tate brings focus and  inspiration to the team. Photo courtesy of the Etruscan

Tate returns as full-time debate coach

Sarah Park, co-editor-in-chief
March 14, 2025

After a nine year break from coaching, Tara Tate, Social Studies teacher, returned to the position of Debate Director last month. Tate had previously stepped down from the role in 2014 following her pregnancy,...

Trusting environment gives students chance for integrity, not academic dishonesty

John Park, columnist
September 30, 2016

“Helga and Claus are partners for a project on the causes of the Great Depression. Helga has no research to support her arguments and makes up false sources, while Claus uses legitimate information....

CONDUCTING WITH CONFIDENCE: Sustaining a steady tempo for the marching band, Drum Major Adam Ley conducts the musicians during the show. Ley, along with the other drum majors, seniors Matt Grinde and Lauren Yep, led the halftime performance during a home football game.

Drum majors march into new season

John Park, staff writer
October 2, 2015

During a marching band performance, the audience may have their eyes fixated on the impressive patterns that the band is making on the field. But all of the band members have their eyes set on one of three...

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