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The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

Twenty-Four Carrots:   Working with a fellow trip participant, sophomore Emma Noffke hands off a bag of carrots to feed the animals she cares for on her trip.  This summer she traveled to Guatemala through the organization The Road Less Traveled.  Photo courtesy of Emma Noffke

South students embark on international service trips

Maddy Ruos
September 30, 2016

Spending a summer break putting in time at the beach, sipping lemonade and tanning may be some South students’ idea of a great vacation, but a number of South students have used their time off school...

MARCHING FOR THE MOVEMENT: Over 40,000 people gathered in New York City in September 2014 to rally and protest for climate justice, making it the largest action on climate in history. The march was successful in changing the notion that climate does not affect our lives personally, a misconception that many South students are attempting to eliminate through increased discussion and awareness.

Climate change sparks discussion among South students

Olivia Sotirchos and Maddy Ruos
March 11, 2016

In light of recent headlines involving environmental issues and reform, some South students have taken the initiative to learn more about climate change and take part in the world-wide discussion surrounding...

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