Identity is everything, especially in high school. This year, The Glenbrook Musical will perform a story embracing identity while embracing comedic elements, Mandi Corrao, Assistant Director and Drama...
Nationwide, legislation restricting how schools teach racism and the history of the United States has made teachers’ jobs more difficult while devaluing students’ education, Jeannie Logan, Social Studies...
“Do you think greater social acceptance of people who are transgender is…”
“a. Very good for society.”
“b. Somewhat good for society.”
“c. Neither good nor bad for society.”
Queer experiences: a varied existence of both stigmas and safe spaces
Walking in the hallways, nonbinary freshman Kai Stevens* feels a sense of dread.
While passing outside the library, Stevens...
On Feb. 25, the House of Representatives passed monumental legislation while the Senate debated the possible confirmation of the highest ranking transgender American in government, demonstrating the social...
Matt Bertke, Co-sponsor of Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) October 23, 2020
The column expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the publisher, adviser, school administration or staff.
Over the past few days, I have been struggling. I love GBS and I love...
Sunday June 28, 2015: hoards of people across the U.S flooded the streets adorned in rainbows in celebration of a monumental step in the fight for gay rights—the legalization of same-sex marriage in...