As a way to conclude a year filled with numerous plays, V-Show skits and other productions, the Drama Department puts on short, fun skits called one-acts. The unique thing about them is that all are written...
When a person walks into South’s V-Show, they never know what to expect. From comedy to dancing, there is always something new and exciting for the audience to watch. This year, there were several...
It started with two people listening to music in their basement. Four straight days of experimenting with a borrowed sound mixer eventually helped them realize their true passion: music. The two boys...
Long days on the beach turn into late nights around the fire as ice-cold lemonade turns into steaming hot chocolate. The everyday clothes go from shorts and sunglasses to pants and gloves while the weather...
Maeve Hanrahan & Emily Mitchell, staff writer October 26, 2012
As the huddle begins to form, the adrenaline immediately kicks in. Finishing up its final stretches and mentally running through the routine one last time, the team looks out into the stands getting...
You walk into a room full of laughter; The room is illuminated by big posters of Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley and other big stars throughout the years. This is the Laughing Chameleon.