As students, family, and community members congregated in South’s auditorium on May 19, the Honors and Awards ceremony looked normal again for the first time in over two years, Mark Maranto, Assistant...
Junior year is, infamously, the hardest year in high school.
Now, as a junior myself, this popular belief has become my reality. With an increase in schoolwork, college suddenly appearing on the horizon,...
One moment: darkness, accompanied by a hushed murmur of ecstatic anticipation. The next: a flash of bright blue lights, a loud bang of music, and the audience’s awe-filled eyes. The dancers began—their...
Through partnerships with Passport Health and Holy Family Pharmacy, South students and families received free doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, Principal Dr. Lauren Fagel said.
The first dose of...
Lights. Camera. Action. Remaining six feet away from her classmates while wearing a face mask, Tina Moran, Advanced TV and Film student sets up her shot and hits record. Despite several Covid-19 restrictions...
Comedy is a common outlet for humor and leisure within the community at South, especially during stressful times. Despite safety restrictions, the students and staff in Improvaganza! have worked tirelessly...