South’s library serves as both a bustling center of collaboration, and a serene space for concentration, managed by a team of dedicated librarians and students. The student librarian lab aids are manage...
As the notes harmonize in South’s Choral program, many voices can be heard, but one singer stands out among the rest. Senior Andrew Yang’s four years in South’s choral program have been shaped by...
South’s Boys’ Gymnastics Team has just kicked off their season with an impressive start, Brandon Tucker, Varsity Boys’ Gymnastics Head Coachsaid. The team has collected a variety of very...
About seven years ago, a group of South’s students dents auditioned for Variety Show. This informal group of friends evolved into the school-sanctioned, structured, and rigorous club striving to bring...
Last year was the hottest year ever recorded.
Carbon dioxide levels are currently the highest they have been in more than four million years and the sea level is predicted to rise two feet in the...
In a world that champions individuality and self-expression, the idea of caring about what others think may seem counterintuitive.
However, understanding and caring about others’ opinions can actually...
Running late into the pungent air of the locker rooms for her Gold 4 class, freshman Savannah Steck hurriedly sets up base at her locker. She goes through her normal routine, getting into uniform and,...
With the signing of legislation by current Governor J.B. Pritzker, the workers of Illinois saw their minimum wage increase from $13 to $14 an hour, according to the Illinois Department of Labor (DOL),...
Maia Weissman, asst. opinions editor February 16, 2024
The band Left Turn 25 started with a violin and a drum kit, senior Matthew Zelkowitz, drummer and songwriter for Left Turn 25, explained. Six years ago, deep in Zelkowitz’s basement, the band began to...
Kate Rogula, asst. sports editor February 16, 2024
Friends and family come together every Thursday night, filling the bleachers in support of South’s boys’ intramural basketball. The program provides an alternative option for students at South...
After months of anticipation, flag football is officially an Illinois High school Association (IHSA) sanctioned sport.
IHSA removed flag football from the Emerging Sports list, a list of sports that...
Forever friendships, international competition, and a once-in-a-life-time experience are all characteristics Scott Nemecek, Varsity Girls’ Basketball Head Coach, used to de- scribe the opportunity...