Sitting in a dark room, hunched over his phone screen, junior Jack Rahija finds himself enthralled in a headache of bright colors and confusing content. The clock ticks by as the seconds swiftly turn into...
In a lively classroom, where the chatter of eager fourth graders echoes off the faded yellow walls, and the scent of chalk lingers in the warm air, I learned a lesson that no textbook could ever teach;...
As I scroll through TikTok, a username catches my eye: “Kamala HQ”. A video begins, featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, set to the catchy pop song “360” by Charli XCX. The video, stylized with...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting industries like media, design, and technology, leaving students worried that the fields they’re passionate about are being automated and diminished.
The UV index is a resource that shows the intensity of the ultraviolet rays throughout the day, and its purpose is to measure how much protection you need against the sun. However, many people misuse it...
As the golden rays of the summer sun peak over the horizon, beaches beckon with the promise of sandy shores and crashing waves. The air is infused with saltwater and the sunbeams dance vivaciously across...
Basking in the warm glow of a television, popcorn bowls scatter around the couch as laughter and joy fill the air. On the screen, the familiar tale of The Little Mermaid unfolds in all its animated glory....
Crush of competition
In Issue 1, The Oracle Editorial board reviewed the competition at South, discussing the crushing effects on students from a lack of inclusive activities for the student body. Of...
Hate. The world is full of it.
It is impossible to escape. Teens are pelted with it from all sides, both online and in-person. In truth, 51 percent of teens in the last 12 months have experienced hate...
Maia Weissman, Assistant Opinions Editor April 25, 2024
Cars are the backbone of American society. Even living near the Glen, getting from my house to school is a 45 minute walk. This heavy reliance on automated vehicles spans vastly throughout the U.S. with...
Last year was the hottest year ever recorded.
Carbon dioxide levels are currently the highest they have been in more than four million years and the sea level is predicted to rise two feet in the...
For my entire life, I have looked forward to my 18th birthday.
At 18, I will finally be an adult, go to college, and be able to vote. But as my 18th birthday nears, I am faced with a great irony: I...