As a way to conclude a year filled with numerous plays, V-Show skits and other productions, the Drama Department puts on short, fun skits called one-acts. The unique thing about them is that all are written or selected, directed and performed by students, specifically the seniors.
This year, the five directors are seniors Kevin McDermott, Molly Quinn, Raina Payne, Allie Kahan and Andrew Bennett. Several other seniors and underclassmen are their actors. According to the seniors, this is a way for them to take on the responsibilities of creating their own plays and getting to work with people to create a performance of their own.
The requirements of becoming a senior director include completing an application, writing or choosing a play and having experience in the Drama Department.
According to Bennett, he is especially ready to take on this opportunity.
“It’s really exciting and something I had been looking forward to since I saw my sister’s [one-act] in 2009,” Bennett said. “I am really happy to be a part of this and would advise every future senior [involved in drama] to do this.”
Allie agreed and is excited to show off her comedy starring her sister, sophomore Janie Kahan, as well as junior Danny Fookson as the leads.
According to Allie, most of the acts have three to four actors, and overall, about 20 participants total from the Drama Department. Allie said this experience is bittersweet since it is the last production the Drama Department will do.
“I think that my cast is doing a fantastic job,” Allie said. “I’m proud that this will be the final piece that I leave behind.”
Payne felt the same way as Allie and said that it is a good real-world type of experience as well as a great way to end the year.
“You have to feel passionate about what you’re presenting,” Payne said. “You also have to be able to fight for the people that you want to star in your scene.”
Senior Matt Miller decided to act in one of the plays rather than direct this year.
“The entire atmosphere and experience of doing senior-directed one-acts is just [really] relaxed,” Miller said. “I’d argue that some people’s best work is shown during [the one-acts] because all of your practice time is spent on perfecting this one scene.”
McDermott agreed and said rehearsals are always a learning experience since the students get to be in charge.
“It’s fun [working with Miller] because he’s really talented,” McDermott said. “It’s good because he takes my advice but keeps his own [personality]. He can have a cool mix, and I like that.”
After weeks of rehearsing, the shows will be performed on April 25 in the Drama Dance Room, and according to McDermott, the shows will be a great culmination of everything they have learned throughout their four years.
Bennett and other seniors agree and feel like this is a great way to end the year for the Drama Department.
“It hasn’t hit me yet that this is the last thing I’ll ever be able to do for the GBS Drama Department,” Bennett said. “This is the best way I could have ended it because of how I get to use all the knowledge and experience I gained.”