Q&A with Purple Apple

Rachel Mann, Maddie Abrams, A&E editors

Purple Apple, a band comprised of sophomores Nonie Andersen, Olivia Eigel and Madi O’Brien, and their former babysitter Devin Ulery, performed at Lollapalooza Aug. 3 and 4. The A&E editors asked them questions about this event along with questions about themselves.

Madi O’Brien

Favorite set at Lolla?

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis or Florence + the Machine.

What was performing at Lollapalooza like?

Unreal. It was so amazing. There aren’t words to describe.

Current favorite song?

There [are] too many! Anything country.

Favorite quote to live by?

“This too shall pass.”

Favorite TV show?

Friday Night Lights and The Walking Dead

Favorite beverage? Lemonade

Scariest thing you’ve ever done? Jumped off a cliff into water

If you could have dinner with one person, who would it be?

John Lennon

Olivia Eigel

What are Purple Apple’s pre-show rituals?

We kind of just goof around. We jump around in a huddle trying to make each other laugh.

Favorite set at Lolla?


Current favorite song?

“Take a Walk” by Passion Pit

Favorite store to shop at?

Zara or Forever 21

Favorite TV show?


Favorite beverage?

Arnold Palmer

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

Six or seven

Favorite subject in school?


Scariest thing you’ve done?

Bungee jumping. It’s terrifying.

Nonie Andersen

What were your reactions when you found out Purple Apple made the line up for Lollapalooza?

I was at lacrosse practice and my mom texted me. I pretty much just dropped all my stuff and started jumping up and down and screaming. I was really excited.

Favorite set at Lolla?

Passion Pit

Favorite quote to live by?

“You got a dream… you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.” – The Pursuit of Happyness

Pet peeve

When my friends come over and use my pillow. It’s really annoying.