Returning to Simplicity

Justine Liu, staff writer

I went to the movie theater for the first time in months. As the animated colors of Shazam brightened the room and laughter surrounded me, I was reminded of the carefreeness that comes with something as simple as a movie. 

As a kid, my days consisted of school, playing outside, and spending time with friends. My biggest problems were getting into petty arguments or forgetting to complete a homework assignment. Now that I’m older, everything is more complicated. I couldn’t remember the last time I went to the movies with my friends or spent a moment being bored and having to ponder on what to do next. Even as a second-semester senior, approaching my final days in high school, I feel overwhelmed by the upcoming responsibilities of going into the real world. This is a feeling I share with many of my peers. As exciting as it is to leave our sheltered bubble, there is an inevitable tension creeping up on us of all the changes we will eventually endure. There is a fear of growing up. 

A large part of this fear stems from not wanting to lose our current relationships or gain the responsibilities that come with adulthood. We feel that we have to make connections with important people, find the best internship as soon as possible, and transition into the next stage of life smoothly while maintaining the relationships we have back home.

However, we tend to overcomplicate life. We expect life to get harder as we grow older. With these thoughts, we could miss out on present moments. Instead of having these thoughts burn in the back of our minds, I suggest we return to simplicity. 

While keeping your future goals in sight, live every day a step at a time. Learn to appreciate the simple things in life, like going to the movies, taking a walk, or having a conversation with a friend. Preserving that joy from childhood prevents our lives from becoming robotic. It washes away the fear of the future by replacing it with the excitement present in front of you. 

Growing up doesn’t mean that we have to shut out our inner child. The simplicity of childhood might be exactly what we need during difficult times.