Zoha Suteria, co-opinions editor November 22, 2024
I’ve rewritten this column more times than I’d like to admit.
Perfectionism has a way of drawing out indecision and hesitation, placing relentless pressure to polish, refine, and revisit every aspect...
What are you afraid of?
Take a minute to consider how often a fear has held you back from something, how often it has controlled you. What exactly was it? A fear of heights? Death? Failure?
I only remember one thing about my first day of freshman year of high school.
I was really, really scared.
I look back and see myself stumbling through the halls, lost during the passing period,...
My Freshman Class consisted of over 1,000 students, so there were definitely enough people for me to befriend when I entered South. I’m going to be a senior next year, and by now I’ve sort of classified...
Fear is an unexplainable idea that finds shelter in every person, and a generalization that has infinite amount of categories. Whenever someone asks, “What are you afraid of?” my initial response is...