The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

The news site of Glenbrook South High School.

The Oracle

Finding the Beauty in Cultural Differences

Emily Blumberg, asst. opinions editor
March 16, 2020

People who I talk to will often tell me that they’re German or Irish. Some say they’re a mix of many nationalities. Others will admit that their families have been in America too long to embrace any...

South students consider post-high school ROTC enrollment

Sharon Kim, Staff reporter
February 16, 2017

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), founded in 1916, is one of the most vigorous and successful leadership programs in the country, according to Today’s Military. In exchange for military service...

Illustration by Al Solecki

Westernized culture impacts student lives, creates new identities

Leah Dunn, co-a&e editor
February 10, 2017

With all of the technological advancements that have been made possible in the 21st century, the transfer of ideas, beliefs and practices between nations holds no limits. However, with this fluid transfer...

Military time: Displaying his potrait as a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Brian Shaoul, Transitional Studies Instructor for Student Services, described that he never saw actual combat. His main role in service was maintaining aircrafts that would fly troops into loading zones.

South staff members reveal stories about time in military service

Hannah Buchband, staff reporter
December 16, 2016

For many students, the halls of South are populated with unfamiliar faces. Familiar or not, untold stories remain behind them. Such is the case for many staff members at South who have served in the military...

Captain America: Civil War revives classic debates

Captain America: Civil War revives classic debates

Lauren Frias and Hannah Mason
May 27, 2016

Below are two writers' takes on the latest Marvel movie, Captain America: Civil War. Captain America defends Avengers What do you think of when you hear the word “superhero”? Maybe you picture...

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