It’s time for us to talk about politics.
The day after the 2024 election, impassioned discussions filled South’s halls; some students experienced immense joy while others experienced great disappointment.
Gen Z has grown up in an era of tumultuous political discourse. Over the years, it has become increasingly daunting to approach political discussions with family and friends who may have differing opinions. Political isolation has become so normalized that we may only be hearing what we want to hear. In fact, data has shown that Red states are getting increasingly more Republican, and Blue states are getting more Democratic, National Public Radio stated.
South is a melting pot of different political beliefs, values, and identities, representing the politically diverse world. It is important that teenagers learn how to discuss their differences instead of being repelled and angered by them, in order to take part in politics respectfully.
One way to engage is by discussion, however, the intense polarization is not a signal to disengage even more. It is a warning that we have become too isolated and need to bridge the divide. The Oracle Editorial Board believes that teenagers should be educated on how to respectfully engage in political conversations.
When approaching a political discussion, we must remember our goal is not to get the other person on our side. Our goal is not to argue, convince, or sway. It is simply to be informed, inform, and understand.
Participating in productive political discussion starts with being educated. Taking the time to research all beliefs, whether it be Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, is key to a rational conversation. Then, if faced with emotional reactions, responding with facts coming from research can be the best answer.
In a classroom environment, a safe space needs to be established to make students feel comfortable discussing their varying opinions, Matthew Whipple, Social Studies Teacher and Director of Academy, said. A variety of opinions is welcomed in Whipple’s class, as it propels students to think about their beliefs critically and listen to others with respect.
“Having an open mind doesn’t mean changing your mind,” Whipple said. “I don’t mind if you leave the classroom uncomfortable. Discomfort is what comes when you hear something that challenges you.”
From class discussions to conversations with friends in between blocks, having conversations about politics is the first step to influencing our government to be one that makes choices for the benefit of all Americans. If people cannot work together to raise voices about common problems, it is less likely that the government will intercede and take action.
In the book, “Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies”, John Kingdon identifies three steps to getting topics on the political agenda: identifying the problem, developing solutions, and debating and making decisions on taking action.
All of these steps require talking to one another. With conversations brings awareness, and with awareness brings action. With action, there can be change.
If students start educating themselves and possessing an open mind, politics doesn’t need to become something to avoid. South students all exist under the same federal government, and discussing political policies, beliefs, and actions are the only way to create a difference.
This change can start right here, in the halls of South, and in the discussions between students.