We have all seen the Snapchats and Tik Toks of recent fights.
The transition back to school has given rise to the recent division that we have been experiencing. Students have not been in school for a long time, some since middle school.
In order to combat this division, the most important thing we need right now is unity.
As a senior, I believe that in the midst of the current division seniors could be great people to help our school come together.
Seniors were the last class that experienced in-person school. We are all transitioning back and the underclassmen need guidance now more than ever. Seniors have the power to impact our community and exert their influence. Seniors should integrate underclassmen in South’s community.
I have met some inspiring seniors throughout my high school experience. They encouraged me to join the activities that I am involved in now because of how open and kind they were to me.
My peer group leaders and Chicano College Bowl (CCB) leaders were amazing people that helped me break out of my shell.
I was a shy freshman, and my peer group leaders made me feel included in the activities. I aspired to be like them and now here I am as a Peer Group leader my senior year
With my Peer Group leader’s encouragement, I joined Chicano College Bowl (CCB) my Sophomore year. I felt welcomed by the CCB leaders as they included me in team discussions. I am a CCB leader now, and I do not think I would have stepped up to the challenge without the support and guidance of the CCB leaders.
Reaching out to underclassmen enforces unity because it makes people feel special. It makes them feel wanted and motivates them to want to become part of something big.
For many underclassmen, their last in-person learning experience took place in middle school.
It is expected that they need that push in the right direction. A way to do so would be to encourage them to get involved in team bonding in sports and promote inclusivity in clubs.
Everyone has a place at South.
Our school is a diverse community with so many clubs to be involved in; it would be a shame if some clubs were discontinued because of the lack of involvement.
If we want South’s community to keep growing we have to mentor the next generation of leaders.
We are all adjusting back to the rhythm of in-person school.
Unity is imperative right now the last thing we need is division and animosity between grades.
We need to come together and build up the community that has been shaken up by the pandemic.
Underclassmen value the precedent that seniors set, so as seniors, we can use our influence to create future leaders, not drive them away.