As a senior in his waning months of high school, I have much time to reflect over my past few years here at GBS, yet little time to accomplish the things I feel I need to do before I graduate. Only now, in March, am I beginning to realize that the number of days I have left here is finite, that the people I’ve seen consistently for four years will soon vanish to schools across the country.
Even in a time of excitement, there exists a sense of dread as well. Each day comes with a new “last,” or the final time I’ll do something. And I’m beginning to notice the small ones as they come, like my last track meet in the GBS Fieldhouse or my last flight with the MUN team. With all the anticipation of graduating and going to college, these “lasts” can often be lost and underappreciated along the way.
We’re so wrapped up in the idea that we have to get out of Glenview that we often don’t appreciate everything that we’ve had the opportunity to be a part of during our time here. And even though I’ve fallen victim to that mindset too, I’m grateful to have realized how incredible my experience at GBS has been.
Although the resources and opportunities that Glenbrook South has provided me have been a crucial part of my high school experience, my time here has always been defined by the people. For example, my teammates mean more to me than a time on a stopwatch ever will, and my classmates in the Academy are more important than any grade. Soon, I’ll never be able to see these people in the same setting again, and that’s daunting to think about. As a result, the time I have left with my best friends, teammates, teachers, and coaches has become infinitely more valuable. But with this time also comes a degree of responsibility. A responsibility to both make the most of this time, as well as show appreciation for these people and the impact they’ve had on my life.
So, seniors, and perhaps to every student at GBS, take a moment to reflect on what your time here has meant to you, and what you want to accomplish before you leave. Right now, it may seem like this year will never end, like summer is never going to come. You might be a freshman who feels like you’re already ready to get out of here, or a junior whose research paper is ruining their life outside of school. But think about your parents, your friends and your teachers. Surely there’s someone who makes your time here special. So make the most of that time; it really does go by quite quickly.
What “lasts” matter to you? Who do you need to thank before you go? What relationships do you need to mend? What moments do you know you have to cherish? Set out to do those things, and you’ll leave here with few regrets. But be sure to hurry. The clock is ticking.