With 124 clubs, the opportunities South provides outside of class is impressive. Each club offers a safe space for students to stay and express their true selves, no matter their hobbies or beliefs. Even as a junior, I’m still exploring new clubs and passions.
The first step is often the hardest one; it can be overwhelming to throw yourself into a new environment. However, I can guarantee that exploring your passions and getting involved with the opportunities South has to offer will reap an amazing outcome.
My first steps into South’s activities was slow. I came to high school during online learning and it was a rough transition. Attending biweekly Drama Club meetings over Zoom didn’t feel authentic, but more like a chore. Once I could attend in-person activities my sophomore year, I began to explore and expand my comfort zone. I tried out more clubs and found new communities. I felt happy and involved in something I love. Every club provides a completely different atmosphere and experience that can bring fun and excitement after the school day is over.
One of the perks of getting involved is meeting new people who share similar interests as you. If you have a passion, it is likely there is already a club focused or pertaining to it. Within a club, you’ll meet a handful of students who enjoy the same things as you do, which can lead to new friendships. Clubs also offer flexibility in their scheduling. Most clubs will only last for an hour right after school, meaning you can join clubs while still participating in other activities, and keep up with your academics. Many clubs also don’t require frequent attendance to join, so it can be a fun thing to do if you have an open afternoon.
An amazing way to get involved is the Variety Show (V-Show), which runs from Feb. 15-18. If you have any sort of fun and quirky talent, then auditioning for the V-Show is an amazing way to meet a ton of new people and enjoy the process of putting on a show. Even if you can’t find a talent to perform onstage, there’s many ways to show your talents offstage, such as joining the Stage Crew or taking the TV & Broadcasting class.
Extracurricular involvement has become a huge part of my love for South, and it is sure to benefit your high school experience too. No matter your current level of involvement, searching for new opportunities and clubs to participate in will be an amazing way to get further involved and find your crowd of friends.