Civic Celebration: Smiling with Key Club sponsor Josh Koo, Dr. Jim Shellard, assistant principal of student activities and Allan Ruter, former GBS English teacher, Graduate John Schurer poses for a photo. Schurer received the award for his involvement in school, particularly service. Photo courtesy of John Schurer.
John Schurer, Class of 2018 Graduate, received the Glenview Youth of the Year award on April 21 from the Glenview Civic Awards Committee for his extensive service and leadership at GBS.
Schurer has always made it a goal to be as involved as possible, serving as the student body president, editor in chief of Calliope, co-news editor of the Oracle and co-administrative leader of Key Club, amongst other volunteer activities, he says.
“I’m busy, but I recognize that I chose to be busy, and I wouldn’t have wanted to do high school any other way,” Schurer said. “I have met amazing people in all corners of the school and it’s been very informative to who I am today.”
According to Key Club sponsor Josh Koo, who has been working with Schurer his entire high school career, Schurer’s record of community service has continued to build up more and more each year.
“[His service] has cumulated year after year,” Koo said. “He set the bar pretty high his freshman year in terms of what he was capable of doing and showing what kind of person he was. It was hard to do, but every year following he beat those expectations [and] set the bar even higher.”
In addition to participation in various service projects, Schurer has a genuine interest in building relationships with his peers and community members because he places a huge value on interpersonal connections, Koo says.
“He was just very involved, very engaged and just all around just one of the most humble kids that you’ll meet,” Koo said. “Where, he wanted to reach out to people and he wanted to genuinely make connections and help in any way he could.”
Koo says that what makes Schurer stand out amongst other youth is he takes a true interest in helping those around him.
“What really lended me to nominate him for the youth of the year was the fact that he does things with such intentionality,” Koo said. “[…] He doesn’t want to do it just to lengthen his resume.”
According to Dr. James Shellard, assistant principal for student services, Schurer will without a doubt continue service into college and life beyond school, but with a narrower lens.
“What’s going to happen, and it’s just going to be natural, is that he’s going to have to limit his focus just as he gets older,” Shellard said. “[…] I think he’s always going to have a broad reach because […] that’s his nature and his interests are all over the place, but […] what’s going to happen is he’s going to refine his focus and that will dictate what he does with regards to career, and regards to service, because I think he’ll always be involved in service in some way, shape, or form.”
Through the work Schurer has completed in high school, he has taken away many important lessons, especially about the way you behave towards others.
“One thing I’ve learned through leadership, service, and being involved in a number of activities is that you’ll never meet two people who are the same,” Schurer said. “And it sounds cliche, but it’s true and it’s really, really important. I think that we have to treat everyone with equal respect and dignity no matter who they are, and I think being involved in activities has showed me the incredible depth and breadth of people that exist in our world and I’ve loved getting to know all of them.”