As the 2014-15 school year comes to a close, the newly elected Executive Board look ahead to their next year at South, while the current senior Executive Board reflect on their time in Student Council.
PRESIDENT: Kevin Gordon
Q: What are your goals for next year?
A: “Getting people more involved so they can discover what they love and see the beauty in GBS.”
Q: What’s one thing you want the student body to know about you?
A: “I am a boy scout and the scout law is a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, brave, clean and reverent, and I will do everything in my power to fulfill those tasks, fulfill that role that the scout law enjoins on me.”
Q: How do you feel being on Student Council for the first time, and what do you think its impact will be?
A: “I think […] it could bring a different perspective […] from someone that hasn’t been in it before. I’m more familiar with the entire student body and maybe that could help me be able to represent the student body more, and help make decisions that would benefit everybody.”
Q: What are you most looking forward to?
A: “I am most looking forward to Homecoming. That’s always been my favorite time of the year, and float building is probably the most fun […] activity that I’ve done at GBS.”
SECRETARY: Madeline Shechtman
Q: What are your goals for next year?
A: “Beat the canned food drive [record], if it’s even possible. It will be really hard after this year; we had such a great year with it.”
Q: What are you going to miss about the current seniors leaving this year?
A: “I’m going to miss them all a lot. I came on to student council at the beginning of this year officially, so they’re the ones that taught me everything, and I’ve learned a lot from them. So it’s going to be sad when they’re all gone next year.”
TREASURER: Clayton Nimz
Q: Do you think this year is going to be any different now that you’re on Executive Board?
A: “Oh yeah, I think it’s more of a leadership role. I want to get to know everybody and get to help out more.”
Q: What is one thing you want the student body to know about you?
A: “I’ll work hard to get it the way it should be.”
PRESIDENT: Jane Brennan
Q: What is your proudest achievement this year?
A: “My proudest achievement would be the canned food drive this year. It was kind of the culmination of all of student council events and what we aspire to do for the school and the community as a whole. And we broke the all time record for most cans donated, which I think just shows the amount of work that was put forth by not only student council, but the entire student body.”
Q: Do you have any advice for Kevin for next year?
A: “His ability to delegate positions, know how to advise people and keep the situation calm and collected is unbelievable, so as long as he keeps doing exactly what he’s been doing in the past, and remains involved and dedicated, then Kevin will be the most fantastic student body president.”
Q: What are you going to take on with you from Student Council to college and future?
A: “Cooperating with people, […] being with people who have a common goal and figuring out ways to work for that common goal.”
Q: One of your favorite memories this year on Student Council?
A: “I’d say the Homecoming morning when we had the parade, and we were on the senior float. It was a really fun morning and a really fun day. All preparation for Homecoming is awesome; everybody works together to get it done.”
SECRETARY: Marley Hambourger
Q: What was your favorite memory?
A: “One of the things that was really fun was the [faculty] basketball game that we played at North [for the canned food drive]. The girls just completely crushed North. Then, after the buzzer beater, we all rushed their court because, when I was a sophomore, they rushed our field when they beat us in football. That was like the most heartbreaking thing ever, so it was fun to get back at them.”
Q: Do you have any advice for Madeline for next year?
A: “I think just making sure that [Madeline] shows up at being a leader for everyone else around.”
Q: What are you going to take on with you from Student Council to college and future?
A: “A lot of leadership and planning. I’m like not a good person at planning things out, and I’m a big procrastinator, so through doing [Student Council], I had to know [how to] plan things out and [how to set] goals and reach them on time.”
Q: What was your favorite memory?
A: “Our last canned food drive. That week’s just crazy, and everyone is really stressed out, but at the same time everyone’s really excited because they want to meet the [canned food drive] goal. When we reached the goal and we were going to announce it to the school, everyone was packed in the office and we announced [it] and sang the fight song; it was fun.”