Spring is waking up to birds chirping, breathing in that amazing scent outside that would only mean spring. While spring time is largely a time to embrace pastel colors, I also encourage the use of olive, grey and maroon in your wardrobe.

My first outfit features my favorite new coat, a green army jacket from Nordstrom. I paired it with my classic black ripped jeans and a grey frocket t-shirt, both also from Nordstrom. In terms of accessories, I suggest going with things that are either a silver or dark silver. If you haven’t already heard, Charming Charlie is probably the best place to get any kind of accessories at a super affordable price. This outfit can come off a little more edgy, so I suggest combat boots in order to click the outfit into place. I found that this outfit is perfect to wear when going out with friends for an informal dinner or hanging out on a Friday night.

This next outfit is probably the epitome of spring. I was recently introduced to Old Navy jeans, and there is probably no converting me back. My most recent buy was my pair of white washed jeans, which are essential for spring. From Nordstrom, I found a black halter-top blouse with a light pink and yellow floral design. I matched this outfit with a rose gold watch and light pink earrings. In terms of shoes, I chose my black wedged boots from Target. Personally, this is an outfit I can see myself wearing on Mother’s Day. My family usually does a brunch, so this is a fancy, yet comfortable, option for that occasion.

The feature item of my last outfit is simply a black floral dress from Garage. Like I’ve mentioned, in spring you can really never have too much floral. This dress will work with scandal wedges from Target and my brown sweater from Forever 21. The simplicity of this outfit is perfect because you can dress it up with accessories to make it your own. I’d most likely go with earrings and some kind of bracelet. A necklace and a floral dress can be a bit much together, and can be displeasing to the eye. Usually, I have to go shopping around for a dress for Easter Sunday, but luckily, I found this dress early and have one less thing to worry about!